Coffee with oil is the secret of the slender medieval beauty.

 » Coffee with oil is the secret of the slender medieval beauty. A simple recipe for a fat-burning drink to quickly lose weight.

In pursuit of a slim figure, old fashionistas made this coffee according to the original recipe 18 years ago. They added butter and sheep, pork, or goat fat to their coffee. This helped them lose weight, but harmed their health. Their high level of cholesterol and unhealthy fats caused them to develop chronic diseases, lowered their defenses and, above all, reduced their life expectancy. 

Modern studies confirm that coffee with oil has a fat-burning effect on the body. A single serving contains 500-700 calories, 50-65 g of fat, and 200 mg of caffeine. This is the norm of total daily consumption for an adult. Therefore, researchers began looking for a safe and healthy alternative.

Coconut oil was considered the best option after studying various natural sources of fatty acids. It is made up of triglycerides and healthy fatty acids that do the following when consumed:

  • they release the satiety hormones peptide YY and leptin and suppress hunger.
  • they speed up metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins.
  • they activate the lipase enzymes that are responsible for breaking down fat.

Ana Salméron, expert in the keto diet comments:

The main problems that people face when preparing this fat burning coffee are related to the improper use and proportions of the ingredients. Not just any oil. For example, animal fat is prohibited. In fact, it will do more harm than good.

Well known to be found in coconuts, MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil has an ideal composition and caloric base. This concentrated extract is loaded with nutrients and has proportionally fewer calories. Specifically, this oil became the key component to safely adapt the medieval recipe for weight loss, the KetoBullet.
This coffee contains less caffeine than a typical coffee, which is offset by the vitamin B-rich chicory, which gives the drink an energizing effect. It also contains chromium picolinate which gives the drink a satiety and hunger suppressing effect. All components found in KetoBullet They are natural and have no side effects. The unique formula of this drink will prevent future weight gain and help you stay slim without the need to exercise or go on a diet.

Just look at these girls who have lost weight thanks to KetoBullet. It took them 8 months to achieve these results. The difference is obvious!

Emily Fernandez,

Alicia Mejias,

Noelia Serrano,

Charlotte Gonzalez

Rocio Perez
The only thing you need to lose weight quickly and safely is to drink a cup of KetoBullet in the morning. This will make your metabolism work several times faster and give your body the energy it needs. The drink comes in portions, so it is convenient to take on the go. The preparation is quite simple. Simply add one sachet to hot water and stir well. Take just one KetoBullet a day, forget about your weight and watch yourself get back in shape without trying too hard. This original coffee to burn fat and lose weight can only be purchased at the official Web site manufacturer.

Publisher's note:

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